BFL Asset Finvest Limited, CIN: L45201RJ1995PLC010646 established and came into existence in the year 1995 as a public limited company in Jaipur. We are a Non Banking Finance Company, registered with Reserve Bank of India, presently engaged in a wide gamut of business activities viz. business of securities investments and trading, negotiable instruments etc. The ambit of our business also encompasses inter corporate loans and investments.
We are also aware of the tough fight in the ring, facing challenges head on is an essential attribute that the company bears and thrives successfully on.
Everything that the company has achieved is on the path of achieving and all that it will achieve will all be because of the wide spread and loyal shareholder base it holds.
With the worldwide economy rebalancing, emerging markets are increasingly becoming the drivers of the global economy, offering more opportunities and calling for more capital. BFL Asset Finvest Limited is positioned right in the center of this emerging paradigm. We are focused on tapping these opportunities and growing along with our key stakeholders.
The name of the Company was changed from BFL Developers Ltd. to BFL Asset Finvest Limited w.e.f. March 01, 2018.
Mr. Mahendra Kumar Baid
Managing Director
Entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in Securities and Finance sector. He is the Promoter and Managing Director of BFL Asset Finvest Limited. The company has grown and flourished under his guidance. His management skills and self belief has been a crucial factor in the growth and expansion of the business. His presence serves as a positive catalyst in the company and he is a true role model for all of us at BFL Asset Finvest Limited.